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    Choose Your Brand Name

    Choose Your Brand Name

    Step 1:

    Choose Domain & Hosting

    What To Keep in Mind

    Choose Your Brand Name

    Best Hosting

    Choose Your Brand Name

    Best Hosting

    Hosting and Domain is Needed as this is the First Step to Start for Creating Any Website.

  • Hosting:- Hosting is the Space Where Your Website is Parked or You Can Say it is the Land to Make your Dream Office.
  • Domain:- It is the Name of Your Business like ""
  • You Can Get Domain and Hosting at very Nominal Price of $30-$40.

    1.1 Choose Your Brand Name

    Brand Name is the Face of Your Business So pick Your Name very wisely. If You Already Have a Name Then i will recommend you to move on to the next Step to Select your Hosting and Domain.

    If you are still stuck in selecting  your BRAND NAME I will give you Step By Step Process on  Choosing a right Brand Name for your Business.

    Steps Involved in selecting a brand name is:

    1. Niche Selection
    2. Keyword Selection
    3. Name Generation 
    4. Domain Availability
    5. Availability on Social Media

    1. Niche Selection

    Before we select the Brand Name its good to go with the Niche of your Business.

    First Understand, What is a Niche?

    A niche is the Category or Genre of Your Business. Means, Suppose  you are in Clothing Business then Clothing and Apparels can be your Niche, or if you are in Travel or Tourism Business then Travel is your Niche. 

    I hope Now You are Clear about  the actual meaning of niche.

     Don’t worry,  There is no need of any tool for this. This Step is is just to give You a clear Vision about your Business. Once Your Niche is Selected then lets go to the Next Step.

    2. Keyword Selection

    Lets Select our Keyword based on our Business.  First of all, understand 
    What is a Keyword? 
    What is Keyword
    So, Here Keyword is Something that reflects your Identity of Brand. Lets Understand this with an example.
    Suppose You have to Start a Business which sells Shoes then “Shoes” or “Boots” is your Keyword, if we look at other relevant keywords then it could be “Footwear“.
    Footwear is a broad niche suppose if you want to expand the business in future to sell some more product like slippers, boots, flippers, This all can be started under the keyword Footwear.  
    So in the full Explanation we will take “Footwear” As our Keyword.

    3. Name Generation

    Go to Namelix: Business name Generator   And Enter Your Keyword “Footwear”

    After Clicking Keyword Click “Generate

    After that Select “Low option” in Randomness Section 

    After that click “Name Style” Section and Select “Brandable Names” on the Right of Randomness Section 

    Now Click on “Generate“. And many name will appear in Front of You. If you Like any name then  its Okay. 

    Write the selected name and then  you can Click on “Create New Names” Button  

    Select “Two Words” Option and then click “Generate

    Now Again you will find Different Names Choose Among these names and Write it down.

    If you Still not getting good Name repeat the previous Step choose other option  until you find a name.

    Now, I think you have few names with you now lets go to next Step. 

    I also selected “feetize” as my business name

    4. Domain Availability

    Check Whether your Brand Name is available or not? you can check it here. 

    Type Your Brand Name >>

    After clicking your Brand Name click “Check Availability“. 

    I will place “feetize” and click on check availability. 


    If it is not available try another name or modify the name creatively and Try Again until you get a name.

    If you get the name  then Lets go to final Step. which is to check if the Name available on Social media or not?

    5. Availability on Social Media

    Go to Instant Username Checker and Type your Brand Name and check whether it is available on all platform or not. if Available then Congratulations.

    If the User Name is Not available to any platform you want then add any Suffix or Prefix to make it Unique. and Try Again

    If you Found a Unique Name Then

    Congratulations!! You have Chosen a Brand Name…

    Step 2:

    Choose Domain & Hosting

    What To Keep in Mind

    Choose Your Brand Name

    Best Hosting

    Hosting and Domain is Needed as this is the First Step to Start for Creating Any Website.

  • Hosting:- Hosting is the Space Where Your Website is Parked or You Can Say it is the Land to Make your Dream Office.
  • Domain:- It is the Name of Your Business like ""
  • You Can Get Domain and Hosting at very Nominal Price of $30-$40.

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.